Thursday, April 30, 2009

Backwards Compatible Podcast Episode 8: The Musical: The Game: The Legend

Backwards Compatible: The Musical: The Game: The Legend

-Fucking Pendelton bought Dynasty Warriors
-Bear Talk with the Backwards Compatible Crew
-Gary gives us his FFXIII EXCLUSIVE!
-Armando talks...forever... he starts at 19 and ends at around 33 minutes
-Anime talk for some reason
-Gary's talks japan and then his internet cable gets chewed on by a moose
-Also Gary hates fat people, the bastard
-Armando loves to ruin jokes...
-I Love Horses! the game!
-Super Robot Taisen Original Gangsta something something...
-Demo impressions
-Bioshock movie talk
-Tetris Lessons...aww yeah!
-A boy should be allowed to change his name to Sonic X!
-Gary claims Nintendo is god
-Guitar Hero Van Halen
-Fallout New Vegas
-PAX 2009!!!
-Listener Questions!!!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Backwards Compatible Podcast Episode 7: OMGWTFBBQ! COLETTE IS ON! Edition

-Dragon Ball movie talk
-Picollo is a mix between powder and Don Magic Juan
-Has ANYONE ever heard of Odama?
-We rag a bit on the Great Jim Sterling
-More Big the Cat talk!!!
-If anyones interested here's the link to Tag
-I met a guy who sells game systems out of his trunk, seriously
-Success Games?
-Final Fantasy 7 on the Japanese PSN
-Pendelton pimps his radio show
-James makes his epic entrence!
-Six Days in Fallujah is gonna be Survival Horror
-Mega Man 7 gets a mention
-Bioshock 2 talk!!!!
-Batman Arkham Asylum Collectors Edition is so awesome!
-Obligatory Wii Motion Plus mention!
-Imagine Tattoo Artizt would be amazing!
-Listener Questions!!!

Scary Womanizing Pig Mask had the best question this week so send your info to for your prize!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Backwards Compatible Podcast Episode 6: I Can Dig It

-We Talk About What We Been Playing
-Some Really Bad Impressions
-Armando Makes Some Bad Puns
-Armando Continues To Make References To Pedophilia
-More Obscure PC Games (One Makes Yet Another Return)
-Puzzle Quest Galactrix Is Just Completely Awful
-Pendelton Gives A Roaring Review Of The Penny Arcade Adventures Games
-Gary Talks About His New DSi
-iPhone Gaming Gets Discussed For A Moment
-Some Wii Motion Plus Talk
-Wii Aids... Just Listen
-Welcome To BBQ Talk!
-MK vs BBQ
-Saw The Game...I Know...
-Listener Questions!